Set up company spaces and activate reception modules

Discover the settings to create and customize your building spaces and which additional modules you can activate

Lucia Biscarini
Written by Lucia BiscariniLast update 4 months ago

Once the first building has been created, a section dedicated to the setup of the building itself will appear in the settings of your administrator profile.

Here you can:

  1. Edit building details

  2. Create spaces (with floor plan and/or capacity) and populate them with the entities you prefer

  3. Edit the bookable entities (desks, parking lots, meeting rooms) and create customized ones (e.g. cafeteria, lockers)

  4. Activate reception services > Nibol Welcome and Visitor and Delivery modules

1) Details

It allows you to:

  • Edit the name and address of the created building

  • Edit the opening days and hours of the building

  • Enter special closing days and import national holidays

  • Add Wi-Fi > this information will be visible only to external visitors if you activate the Visitors module (see below)

2) Spaces

In this section you can create spaces with floor plans or spaces with capacities and complete their configuration by inserting the necessary entities. Access this section for any changes you need to make to your spaces (such as adding or deleting a space, changing the entities mapped on the floor plan, assigning entities to one or more users).

Watch the video to find out what you can do:

N.B.: After creating your spaces, you can always change the order in which they are displayed by doing a click and drag on each of the spaces you want to move.

Assign a desk or parking space:

If you want to assign a desk or parking space to a specific employee or a group of employees, within the floor plan just click on the entity you have created and enter the name of the person or group you want to assign the entity to under "Entity assigned to" (you will see a list of your employees' emails to choose from) > Save.


N.B.: When assigning entities make sure that you have entered the employee members in the users list, this is how you do it.

Find out here what happens if a member has a double assignment (exclusive and non-exclusive).

3) Bookable entities

Here you can manage the settings of the desk, parking and meeting room entities. Specifically click on the Edit button to:

  • Enable check-in on bookings, decide whether the booked entity will become available again if you fail to check-in, set a distance from the office within which you can check-in

  • Do not show other colleagues' bookings to users (this setting is off by default) > go to the tab Others

  • For rooms only, download the Nibol room app for tablets and match meeting rooms (find out how to do it in this collection)

You can also create bookable custom entities from the Add entity button and map them in the corresponding space floor plan.

4) Reception

This section is dedicated to the organised management of guest access and the arrival of deliveries in the corresponding building.

Nibol Welcome

This is the service that allows you to register guests quickly and easily, all through a tablet.

You can use this tool where you need it most, for example in your company reception or at a company event.

Find out how to configure Nibol Welcome in these articles.


Allow employees to easily invite and receive visitors to the office and decide if you can assign them a desk or a parking space.

You can also choose to share company Wi-Fi information with them by adding the network name and password in Details > Wifi.

Once invited, your visitors will automatically receive the information selected here.

See here how to invite an external visitor to your office.


Choose whether to activate this form to manage all packages sent to the office and notify the recipients when their package has arrived.

You can enable this function for each building in your company, assigning a manager who will be able to scan incoming packages and notify the recipients.

First, you have to go to the Directory > click on the Edit button next to the person designated as Delivery Manager > enter the delivery role in the appropriate box > Save.

Next, enter the name of the receptionist in the space provided in the Delivery section. You can also choose more than one Delivery Manager.

See here what the Delivery Manager can do.

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