Access booking data and download activity reports

Consult the activity dashboard, access the list of all user bookings and download the reports that are most suitable for you

Lucia Biscarini
Written by Lucia BiscariniLast update 4 months ago

The Report section is dedicated to analyzing data on office usage and employee habits, and collecting the most useful results.

1) Dashboard

The new dashboard aims to provide the most useful metrics related to the booking activities of different entities by groups of users in a given period of time.

Learn more in this article.

2) Bookings log

Access the complete list of your employees' reservations and download customized files in .csv format.

The download is very simple, just enter the filters you prefer and finally click on the Download button.

The available filters are:

  • Time range > select a time period from the calendar in the top right-hand corner, or enter your own by selecting a start and end date. The maximum limit of downloadable days is one month.

  • Entity category > choose which type of entity you want to display among: workstation, meeting room, parking lot and custom unit

  • Building

  • Booking status

The bookings status values are as follows:

  • active: check-in done or the booking start time has passed when the company does not request a check-in

  • cancelled: booking canceled by the employee

  • cancel: reservation that can be canceled by the employee

  • check_cancel: reservation that can be canceled but which is also in the time slot for checking in

  • checked: booking with check-in done, but not yet finished

  • ended: booking finished with check-in done, or booking finished without check-in required

  • lost: booking finished without a valid check-in

  • company_cancelled: booking cancelled due to business restrictions

  • deleted: booking in a building/office/space that has been cancelled or by a deleted user

  • idle: (only for rooms) booking status before check-in time

Cancel a booking by one of your colleagues

As an administrator, you can also delete your colleagues' bookings here > check the box next to the reservation(s) you want to cancel and confirm by clicking on the button 🗑️ Cancel.

3) Visitor log

The Visitor register offers the complete list of guests who have registered via Nibol Welcome or who have been invited by employees via Nibol.

Here you can see the details of each invitation (visitor, host, day of arrival, date and time of check-in and check-out, assigned entity, building where the visitor will go/has gone, booking status) and download the complete list of activities.

Just select the time range concerned and click on the Download button.

In addition, in the Code column, you can manually enter a unique code to be assigned to the visitor to indicate, for example, the number of the badge they was given on access.

If you have not yet activated the Visitors module, you can do it conveniently from the settings related to the corporate buildings created > inside Reception. Find out how here.

4) Deliveries log

This register gives you access to the complete list of packages delivered to company offices and that have been notified by the Delivery Managers.

Here you can see the details of each delivery and download the complete list of activities.

Just select the time interval concerned and click on the Download button.

If you have not yet activated the Deliveries module, you can do it conveniently from the settings related to the company buildings created > inside Reception. Find out how here.

5) Exports [coming soon]

Conveniently download files in .xlsl format on daily attendance and all reservations made for all types of work (office, remote, not at work).

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