Connect Slack to Nibol
Learn how easy it is to connect Slack on Nibol
To connect Nibol on Slack, just go to the Integrations section in the Company settings > for a first period you will be redirected to the old administrator platform by clicking on the Go to Nibol legacy button > go to Install in correspondence with the Slack icon and click on the Install Nibol in Slack button.
At this point, the authorization consent page between your organization in Nibol and the same one on Slack will open, now read the conditions and click on allow. Finally, you'll be redirected to the Integrations > Slack page where you'll always have the option to remove Nibol from Slack.
Once the integration is successfully installed, employee members of your organization will receive a welcome message to use Nibol on Slack to reserve their seat!
Learn how to reserve your desk thanks to the Slack integration
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