Connect your Active Directory through user groups

Find out how to set up the integration on Google Workspace or Microsoft Azure and manage your user list even more easily

Lucia Biscarini
Written by Lucia BiscariniLast update 3 months ago

With Nibol you can synchronize the users of your Active Directory through the groups created in the Google Workspace or Microsoft Azure work environment.

In this way:

  • Simplify the management of your users > adding or deleting users on Nibol is updated automatically every time one or more users are added or removed from a group

  • Get the automatic creation of user groups on Nibol > in this way you no longer have to create user groups manually on Nibol.

To install this integration it is necessary to take a step with our technical department, with which you'll follow these steps:

  1. Provide the ID groups you want to synchronize

  2. These will be inserted in the backend so that only the users belonging to those groups will be synchronized > the synchronization is done with OAuth, administrative permissions are needed (user read-all and group read-all)

  3. Finally, groups are in turn created on Nibol, where they can be managed as normal groups

You can still continue to create additional groups only on Nibol if the setup of your business environment requires it.

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