Use vouchers and promo codes to get a discount on your booking

Find out how to complete your booking in a paid space by entering a voucher or discount code

Lucia Biscarini
Written by Lucia BiscariniLast update 9 months ago

If you have a coupon or discount code that can be spent at Nibol Spaces, find out how easy it is to use it.

  1. Choose the space to book directly on:

  2. Select the time package and the number of people

  3. At the check-out stage, enter your voucher code in the field: Promo code

  4. Once entered, click on Add to confirm it

    That's it, you can now complete your booking!

Useful things to know

  • The voucher can be either a fixed value or a percentage.

  • The value of the voucher will be automatically deducted from the total and, in the summary, you will find the item Promotional Code with its corresponding value.

  • Remember that you can only add one promo code per booking.

  • The promotional code can only be used if its value is greater than or equal to the total cost of the reservation.

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