Discover the Map and book a workspace
Find out how to view the various workspaces, filter them by type and see all the information related to their services
On the map, you can book workspaces affiliated with Nibol, or see where your company's offices are located.
Let's see specifically what you can do in this section:
Search for your area of interest and see what spaces are available > to do so you just have to drag the mouse on the map
Use geolocation by choosing your location > in this way the map will always show you the spaces available in the area where you are at that time
Filter by type of space: location in a paid coworking, private space, free location and finally see the spaces suggested by other users
Book a free and/or paid space
Among the venues affiliated with Nibol you can find paid spaces (hotdesks, meeting rooms, private offices) and free spaces (cafeterias, hotel lobbies).
Booking one of these spaces is very simple:
Select the space in the area that interests you
Select the pass you prefer from those available: hourly, half day, daily > Continue
Enter the number of people, the day and the time > Confirm (and pay)
N.B.: According to your company's arrangements, you can pay with your company budget or with a personal payment card. In the latter case, you can enter your billing information and payment method directly from the booking form or from your account settings in the Personal Billing section.
Once booked, you can find the summary in Home.
Confirm your reservation by checking in
Remember to do this once inside the space to confirm to the venue host your arrival. By checking in, you also have the opportunity to see and copy the Wi-Fi password of the venue where you have booked, so you don't have to ask for it and can immediately surf in peace.
Remember: you can check in from 15 minutes before the start of your booking, up to 30 minutes after the booking start time. If you don't check in within this time frame, you won't be able to leave a review about your experience.
How not to miss a check-in
What you can do to not miss a check-in is to activate push notifications on your Nibol application. In this way, you will receive a notification when you can check in, without missing a single one. Go to Settings > Account > Communications.
Cancel a reservation
Just click on the basket symbol 🗑️. Once canceled, you will read the 'canceled' status, and if your notifications are active, an email confirming cancellation will follow.
Leave a review
Once you have finished your booking, you can leave a review ⭐️ for each category listed and let other users know how you found yourself.
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